Friday, 12 June 2015

Is masturbation bad

If you are a teenager, you might want to know, Is masturbation bad? Is there anything wrong with it? Am I the only one doing it? What kind of bad effects can it cause? Can it create problems in my future life, esp marriage? If you have all these questions, you have landed at the right place. Please read on.

Masturbation is not bad
Masturbation is a perfectly healthy activity. We are not against masturbation, we are only against excessive masturbation. Masturbation is even good for you in many ways, for example

It relieves you of all the tension so you can focus better on your studies and work
Makes you calmer and far more less aggressive
You will probably never have headaches if you are a frequent masturbator, it
Can be effective against certain diseases and medical conditions such as tension
Help reduce crimes.
Is over all healthy and is a natural need of the body and also gives you great pleasure.
Above all it is a sign of good health.
If you are masturbating once in a while or once every other day, there is nothing to worry about. If you doing it for a reason you shouldnt be doing it for, that is when it become more harmful and addictive. If you masturbate 3 times   in one day, that is totally ok. As long as your body needs it, the harmful effects are really none. But when the body does not need and you push it for reasons because you are lonely and you just have to masturbate, that is when it become harmful.

Excessive Masturbation is bad
We are against excessive masturbation. We think if you indulge in masturbation for not good enough reason for a long time and you regularly practice it, it might cause you to have serious trouble. The type of masturbation that can get you in serious trouble is, mostly all of these

You do not have friends.
You always indulge with yourself
You do not feel the need to mingle with others. You are your own best friend
You masturbate when ever you get a chance
You create situations for yourself in order to masturbate
You try new techniques because the old ones got boring
You do it just because you can’t fall asleep or you are alone
You dont feel the need for a relationship just because you are happy with yourself. You are always satisfied
You do it once or twice a day every day
You can’t skip a single day without masturbating, or can hardly skip
There is no end to it that you can ever stop it
You never get bored with it because you continue to change your fantasies
This type of masturbation can put you in serious trouble such as bending of penis, shrinkage of penis, premature ejaculation, lower back pain, reduced erection, loss of sexual pleasure because your orgasm become weak. Above all it affects your real relationship with the opposite sex. You feel you are not enough for them. Things like premature ejaculation can put a severe dent in your relationship depending on how serious it is.

Stages of Excessive Masturbation
Excessive masturbation as mentioned is not a short period. The harmful effects occurs over a number of years, usually 2years and above.
Thanks for reading

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