Tuesday, 23 June 2015

How to be the perfect wife

Rather than keep complaining of how women are not living up to expectations, men should let them know the areas they are not doing well and if you are lucky to marry a good woman, she will change:

1). Never raise your voice for any reason to your husband. Its a sign of disrespect.
(Prov 15v1)

2). Don’t expose your husband’s weaknesses to your family and friends. It will bounce back at you. You are each other’s keeper.
(Eph 5v12)

3). Never use attitudes and moods to communicate to your husband, you never know how your husband will interpret them. Defensive women don’t have a happy home.
(Prov 15v13)

4). Never compare your husband to other men, you’ve no idea what their life is all about. If you attack his Ego, his Love for you will diminish.

5). Never ill treat your husband’s friends because you don’t like them, the person who’s supposed to get rid of them is your husband.
(Prov 11v22)

6). Never forget that your husband married you, not your maid or anyone else. Do your duties.
(Gen 2v24)

7). Never assign anyone to give attention to your husband, people may do everything else but your husband is your own responsibility.
(Eph 5v33)

8). Never blame your husband if he comes back home empty handed. Rather encourage him.
(Deut 3v28)

9). Never be a wasteful wife, your husband’s sweat is too precious to be wasted.

10). Never pretend to be sick for the purpose of denying your husband s*x. You should give it to him how he wants it. S*x is very important to Men, if you keep denying him, it is a matter of time before another woman takes over that duty. No man can withstand s*x starvation for too long.
(SS 7v12)

11). Never compare your husband to your one time s*x mate in bedroom, or an Ex-lover. Your home may Never recover from it if you do.
(SS 5v9)

12). Never answer for your husband in public opinion polls, let him handle what is directed to him.
(Prov 31v23)

13). Never shout or challenge your husband in front of children. Wise Women don’t do that.
(Eph 4v31)

14). Don’t forget to check the smartness of your husband before he checks out.
(Prov 12v4)

15). Never allow your friends to be too close to your husband.

16). Never be in a hurry in the bathroom and on the dressing table. Out there your husband is always surrounded by women who took their time on their looks.
(1 Sam25v3)

17). Your parents or family or friends do not have the final say in your marriage. Don’t waste your time looking up to them for a final word. You must Leave them if you want to Cleave and enjoy.
(Luke 21v16)

18). Never base love on monetary things. Encourage him to work hard and assure him of your support.

19). Don’t forget that husbands want attention and good listeners, never be too busy for him.Good communication is the bed rock of every happy home.
(Gal 6v9)

20). If your idea worked better than his, never compare yourself to him. Its always teamwork.
(Gal 6v10)

21). Don’t be too judgemental to your husband. No man wants a Nagging wife.
(Eph 4v29)

22). A lazy wife is a careless wife. She doesn’t even know that her body needs a bath.
(Prov 24v27) (Prov 20v13)

23). Does your husband like a kind of food? try to change your cooking. No man jokes with food. (Prov 31v14)

24). Never be too demanding to your husband,enjoy every moment, resource as it comes.
(Luke 11v3)

25). Make a glass of water the very first welcome to your husband and everyone entering your home. Sweetness of attitude is true beauty.
(Prov 31v11)

26). Don’t associate with women who have a wrong mental attitude about marriage.
(Prov 22v14)

27). Your marriage is as valuable to you as the value that you give it. Recklessness is unacceptable.
(Heb 13v4)

28). Fruit of the womb is a blessing from the Lord, love your children and teach them well.
(Prov 22v6)

29). You are never too old to influence your home. Never reduce your care for your family.
(Prov 31v28)

30). A prayerful wife is a better equipped wife, pray always for your husband and family
(1 Thess 5v17)

Have a lovely day….. God bless u all!

Friday, 12 June 2015

Is masturbation bad

If you are a teenager, you might want to know, Is masturbation bad? Is there anything wrong with it? Am I the only one doing it? What kind of bad effects can it cause? Can it create problems in my future life, esp marriage? If you have all these questions, you have landed at the right place. Please read on.

Masturbation is not bad
Masturbation is a perfectly healthy activity. We are not against masturbation, we are only against excessive masturbation. Masturbation is even good for you in many ways, for example

It relieves you of all the tension so you can focus better on your studies and work
Makes you calmer and far more less aggressive
You will probably never have headaches if you are a frequent masturbator, it
Can be effective against certain diseases and medical conditions such as tension
Help reduce crimes.
Is over all healthy and is a natural need of the body and also gives you great pleasure.
Above all it is a sign of good health.
If you are masturbating once in a while or once every other day, there is nothing to worry about. If you doing it for a reason you shouldnt be doing it for, that is when it become more harmful and addictive. If you masturbate 3 times   in one day, that is totally ok. As long as your body needs it, the harmful effects are really none. But when the body does not need and you push it for reasons because you are lonely and you just have to masturbate, that is when it become harmful.

Excessive Masturbation is bad
We are against excessive masturbation. We think if you indulge in masturbation for not good enough reason for a long time and you regularly practice it, it might cause you to have serious trouble. The type of masturbation that can get you in serious trouble is, mostly all of these

You do not have friends.
You always indulge with yourself
You do not feel the need to mingle with others. You are your own best friend
You masturbate when ever you get a chance
You create situations for yourself in order to masturbate
You try new techniques because the old ones got boring
You do it just because you can’t fall asleep or you are alone
You dont feel the need for a relationship just because you are happy with yourself. You are always satisfied
You do it once or twice a day every day
You can’t skip a single day without masturbating, or can hardly skip
There is no end to it that you can ever stop it
You never get bored with it because you continue to change your fantasies
This type of masturbation can put you in serious trouble such as bending of penis, shrinkage of penis, premature ejaculation, lower back pain, reduced erection, loss of sexual pleasure because your orgasm become weak. Above all it affects your real relationship with the opposite sex. You feel you are not enough for them. Things like premature ejaculation can put a severe dent in your relationship depending on how serious it is.

Stages of Excessive Masturbation
Excessive masturbation as mentioned is not a short period. The harmful effects occurs over a number of years, usually 2years and above.
Thanks for reading

Sunday, 31 May 2015

How to stop ur menstrual flow

Many women ask if there any ways to stop having their periods. Sometimes having a menstrual period can be inconvenient and may interfere with travel plans, sports, or most frequently, sex. Some women simply hate the symptoms that accompany their periods such as cramps, headaches or back pain, all of which can interfere with work or leisure. Some women experience heavy bleeding and would like to control it, especially when they are going to a party or on vacation. Still others would just like to delay a period for a day or two so they can do something or go somewhere without the inconvenience of having it. Some women would also prefer not having them at all, particularly those that do not plan on having children at the moment.
Some women have tried many ways to delay or stop their periods after asking friend's advice or researching methods online. Most of them receive bad advice or unreliable suggestions which are not only ineffective but may also be potentially harmful to their health. In medicine, there are very few ways to stop your period and most methods will only temporarily stop or delay your period. Whatever your reasons are, here are some ways to safely but temporarily stop your period.

How to Stop Your Period
Use Contraceptives
The best way to stop your period is to use birth control or contraceptives. Before you do it is best to see a doctor who will advise you on which type will best suit your needs. Your doctor will explain what to expect, what dosage to use, and any risks involved.
Hormonal contraceptives inhibit ovulation and fertilization. They can be injectable, oral, or in a patch form. Implants and intrauterine devices that release hormones are also available. The simplest way to stop monthly periods is to take oral contraceptives in pill form. These hormonal pills should be taken one cycle before the period that you don't want to have. When taken regularly as directed, you will stop having periods. Once you stop taking them, your periods will return.
You must remember that prolonged intake of hormonal contraceptives is associated with an increased risk of headaches, hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. So before using any of these, consult your physician for proper guidance.

Use a Flexible Cup
There is a flexible cup called Softcup which is inserted through the vagina and placed in front of the cervix to collect menstrual flow. It does not stop your period but it prevents blood from flowing from the vagina, just like a tampon. It can be worn for up to 12 hours and can be reused throughout your period.
The advantage of using this device is that it seems to stop your period without the side effects of hormones or medications. You can use it while swimming, traveling, or having sex. However, to avoid leakage you must use a new cup instead of reusing one. You must also remember that these cups does not prevent pregnancy and is not intended to be used as a contraceptive device.

Take Medications
Tranexamic acid (tablet) is a medication that induces clotting of blood in the uterus, thus reducing heavy menstrual bleeding by about 30-60 percent. You can take 2-3 tablets, 3-4 times daily when bleeding starts. These does can continue for three or four days. These are not hormonal contraceptives, so they will not prevent pregnancy.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as mefenamic acid, ibuprofen, or naproxen are painkillers that may also be recommended for controlling menstrual flow. These tablets help reduce abdominal cramps related to menstruation, but they may also reduce bleeding by 20-50%. You may take them 3-4 times a day before your period and continue taking them until your period stops.
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists are drugs that can reduce bleeding during your period and simulate temporary menopause, including hot flashes. However, they should only be used on a short-term basis as they are very costly and can produce serious side effects. They work by interfering with estrogen activity in your body. Long-term use can lead to weak bones or osteoporosis.

Consider Surgery
Your doctor may recommend surgery to control or stop your periods. This would occur if you have a medical condition that causes heavy menstrual bleeding such as a myoma, a uterine fibroid, or endometriosis. Your doctor may suggest a hysterectomy, or the complete removal of your uterus. This will completely stop your periods from occurring, but will only be performed if other surgical procedures are unsuccessful. Other procedures include:
Uterine artery embolization, which blocks arteries, thus causing fibroids to shrink.
Myomectomy, or removal of a myoma (a non-cancerous tumor inside the uterus)
Endometrial ablation, which destroys the inner lining of the uterus

Natural Ways
Drinking a great deal of water or juice can help you lighten your periods.
Eating healthy, making a point to consume a great deal of fruits and vegetables can also help easy menstrual symptoms.
Green beans in particular are known to help slow your menstrual cycle.
Swallowing two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar mixed into a glass of water can help slow your menstrual flow and calm your other symptoms. For the best effects, take this cure three times a day.
Some find that mixing a package of gelatin with water and quickly consuming the mixture can stop your period for around three hours.
Sucking on a piece of lemon has also been shown to temporarily stop your period.
Taking a bath can also help temporarily slow or stop your menstrual flow.
In some cases you can hide your period by wearing a smaller tampon or spongy pads that are less noticeable.

Friday, 29 May 2015

Rhesus incompatibility

If you just found out you're pregnant, one of the first — and most important — tests you should expect is a blood-type test. This basic test determines your blood type and Rh factor. Your Rh factor may play a role in your baby's health, so it's important to know this information early in your pregnancy.

About the Rh Factor
People with different blood types have proteins specific to that blood type on the surfaces of their red blood cells (RBCs). There are four blood types — A, B, AB, and O.

Each of the four blood types is further classified based on the presence of another protein on the surface of RBCs that indicates the Rh factor. If you carry this protein, you are Rh positive. If you don't carry the protein, you are Rh negative.

Most people — about 85% — are Rh positive. But if a woman who is Rh negative and a man who is Rh positive conceive a baby, there is the potential for a baby to have a health problem. The baby growing inside the Rh-negative mother may have Rh-positive blood, inherited from the father. Approximately half of the children born to an Rh-negative mother and Rh-positive father will be Rh positive.

Rh incompatibility usually isn't a problem if it's the mother's first pregnancy because, unless there's some sort of abnormality, the fetus's blood does not normally enter the mother's circulatory system during the course of the pregnancy.

However, during delivery, the mother's and baby's blood can intermingle. If this happens, the mother's body recognizes the Rh protein as a foreign substance and might begin making antibodies (protein molecules in the immune system that recognize, and later work to destroy, foreign substances) against the Rh proteins.

Other ways Rh-negative pregnant women can be exposed to the Rh protein that might cause antibody production include blood transfusions with Rh-positive blood, miscarriage, and ectopic pregnancy.

Rh antibodies are harmless until the mother's second or later pregnancies. If she is ever carrying another Rh-positive child, her Rh antibodies will recognize the Rh proteins on the surface of the baby's blood cells as foreign, and pass into the baby's bloodstream and attack those cells. This can lead to swelling and rupture of the baby's RBCs. A baby's blood count can get dangerously low when this condition, known as hemolytic or Rh disease of the newborn, happens.

Preventing and Treating Rh Disease of the Newborn
In generations past, Rh incompatibility was a very serious problem. But now, significant medical advances can help prevent complications from Rh incompatibility and treat any newborn affected by Rh disease.

Today, when a woman with the potential to develop Rh incompatibility is pregnant, doctors give her a series of two Rh immune-globulin shots during her first pregnancy. The first shot is given around the 28th week of pregnancy and the second within 72 hours after giving birth. Rh immune-globulin acts like a vaccine, preventing the mother's body from producing any potentially dangerous Rh antibodies that can cause serious complications in the newborn or complicate any future pregnancies.

A dose of Rh immune-globulin also might be given if a woman has a miscarriage, an amniocentesis, or any bleeding during pregnancy.

If a doctor finds that a woman has already developed Rh antibodies, her pregnancy will be closely monitored to make sure that those levels are not too high.

In rare cases, if the incompatibility is severe and the baby is in danger, a series of special blood transfusions called exchange transfusions can be done either before the baby is born (intrauterine fetal transfusions) or after delivery. Exchange transfusions replace the baby's blood with blood with Rh-negative blood cells. This stabilizes the baby's level of red blood cells and minimizes further damage caused by Rh antibodies already circulating in the baby's bloodstream.

Because of the success rate of the Rh immune-globulin shots, exchange transfusions are needed in fewer than 1% of Rh-incompatible pregnancies in the United States today.

If Rh Disease Is Not Prevented
Rh incompatibility rarely causes complications in a first pregnancy and does not affect the health of the mother. But if Rh antibodies develop, they could be dangerous to a fetus during later pregnancies. Rh disease can cause severe anemia, jaundice, brain damage, and heart failure in a newborn. In extreme cases, it can cause the death of the fetus because too many RBCs have been destroyed.

If you're not sure what your Rh factor is and think you're pregnant, it's important to start regular prenatal care as soon as possible — including blood-type testing. With early detection and treatment of Rh incompatibility, you can focus on more important things — like welcoming a new, healthy baby.
Thanks for reading

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

How to manage your headache at home

Headache is one of the most common health problems suffered by most of the people. Headaches can be classified into three main categories – tension headaches, migraine headaches and cluster headaches. There can be many reasons behind a headache such as physiologic changes in the head, constriction of blood vessels, abnormal neuron activities, genetic causes, excessive smoking, excessive drinking habit, due to lack of water in the body and so on.
Most of the people go for a painkiller to get relief from their headaches. But painkillers have side effects and are not good for your health. Well, there are many natural remedies that can treat your headache in a few minutes.
Here are top 10 home remedies for Headache.
At times dehydration can be the reason behind a headache. Actually the lack of water affects the supply of blood and oxygen and thus causes a headache. So, in case of a headache you must drink a cool glass of water. If the reason behind your headache is dehydration water can cure it within minutes. It is a good idea to drink three to four glasses of water before going to bed to keep your body well hydrated throughout the day.

2.Ice Pack
Applying an ice pack to the back of your neck can give you relief from headache caused due to migraine. You can even place a washcloth dipped in ice-cold water over your head and allow it to sit for five minutes. Repeat the process several times to reduce any inflammation and thus bringing you relif from the pain. Alternatively, you can even use a bag of frozen vegetables to apply the cold compresses as soon as you suffer from a headache. Within half an hour you will get some relief.

3.Lavender Oil
The health benefits of lavender are something that everyone knows. This herb can be really useful in treating headaches. Take a bowl of hot water and put some lavender oil to it and then inhale its vapor for a few minutes. This popular headache treatment must be repeated several times a day. Else you can even safely apply this herbal oil externally without the need to dilute it. Bear in mind that you must not take lavender oil orally.

Rosemary can be really helpful in treating headaches. The rosmarinic acid present in rosemary oil has got anti-inflammatory properties. You can simply massage your head with rosemary oil to get relief from headache. Else you can make an herbal tea by mixing rosemary and sage. Take one teaspoon of crushed rosemary leaves and one teaspoon of crushed sage leaves in a cup of boiling water and cover it properly. Once the solution comes to room temperature, drink it. You can take this herbal tea two to three times a day. In case if both the herbs are not available, you can make an herbal tea with any of the two herbs.

Cloves can be used to ease away tension headaches. Take a few cloves and crush them gently and then put it in a sachet bag or a clean handkerchief. Inhale the smell of crushed cloves whenever you have a headache until you get some relief from the pain. Else you can make a paste of three to four cloves and apply it on the forehead. You can also use clove oil by mixing it with salt, and then apply it on the forehead. The cooling effect of the clove oil will give you relief from headache within minutes.

Ginger can help in reducing the inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, thus giving relief from a headache. During headache you can sip a cup of ginger tea. To make this tea add tea leaves and ginger to a cup of water and allow it to boil for a few minutes. Add milk and sugar as per your taste and then drink it. Else you can boil ginger powder or raw ginger in water, and then inhale its vapor to get rid of headache. Also you can chew a piece or two of crystallized ginger candy when suffering from a headache.


Cinnamon can cure headaches caused due to common cold. The easiest way to use cinnamon during headaches is to grind a stick of cinnamon with water to make a thick paste and then apply this paste on the forehead for a few minutes. Soon the pain will vanish away. Else you can add two teaspoons of powdered cinnamon to half cup of milk and then boil it for one or two minutes. Add a teaspoon of honey and mix it properly before drinking it. Drink this solution at least twice a day when suffering from a headache.

8.Peppermint Oil
The calming and soothing properties of peppermint oil can help a lot when suffering from headaches. Use peppermint oil to massage the forehead, back of jaws, and temples. Peppermint oil helps to open and close the vessels that promote blood flow and within a few minutes you can get relief from headache. Even fresh crushed peppermint leaves when put on the forehead can treat headaches. You can also go for steam treatment, by adding a few drops of peppermint essential oil to a small pot of boiling water and then inhaling the steam for a few minutes.

Apples can help to alleviate headaches. Both apple and its extract apple cider vinegar have attributes that can balance the alkaline and acidic levels in the body and thus giving you relief from headache. During a headache you can eat an apple with some salt. Else you can add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass full of water and drink it for immediate headache relief.

To conclude, next time when you suffer from a headache, try any of the above mentioned natural treatments according to your convenience to get fast relief. However, in case of severe and frequent headaches you need to see a doctor.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

The dangers of waist training garments

These items may seem like the best invention ever if you are going to a big event, or maybe for some just out to the store, to cover your unsightly bulges for excess fat. You simply slip these items on, and Wa-La! Your body is instantly transformed and streamlined. How could something so awesome be bad? I will explain.

Listen ladies...and some men, we are harming our bodies in the name of smooth garment lines! Not only are these items painful, spanx and other shapewear are literally squeezing your organs! Though many of us will deal with the pain and suffering to look better, most of us have no idea about the health ramifications of these garments, and this revilation has been backed up by gastroenterologist Dr. John Kuemmerle, and chiropractor Dr. Karen Erickson.

Organ Compression

First off, these shapewear items couldn't do their job if they aren't tight, but this leaves your stomach, intestine and colon compressed, which Dr. Kuemmerle says can worsen acid reflux and heartburn. Restrictive clothing can also provoke erosive esophagitis.

Your digestive tract is also affected, this happens because the intestines are supposed to contract and move food along, but when they're compressed over a long period of time, the flow of digestion is slowed or even stopped. Haven't you eaten a huge meal, and then unbuttoned your jeans? We do this because too much food and tight clothing can lead to unpleasant symptoms like abdominal discomfort, bloating and gas.

Bowel Compression

Those with bowel disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome should wear shapewear with caution. People who have weakness in the bowel and a tendency towards incontinence, increasing intra-abdominal pressure can certainly provoke episodes of incontinence.

There is also a tendency for those wearing shapewear to not to want to go to the bathroom, but if you postpone urination, it can cause stress incontinence, where you leak, or it can exaggerate stress incontinence with people who already have it.

Obstructed Breathing

Another problem with shapewear is shallow breathing. When you inhale, your diaphragm expands and your abdomen flares out, but shapewear restricts this movement.

Tingling, Numbness, Pain In The Legs & Blood Clots

Sitting in shapewear can lead to a condition called meralgia paresthetica, which is when the peripheral nerve in your thigh is compressed. This leads to tingling, numbness and pain in your legs. It's like putting rubber bands around your upper thighs and tightening them when you sit down. This rubber band effect can also decrease your circulation and lead to blood clots. When you sit in shapewear, those genetically prone to varicosities can develop varicose veins and lymph congestion, which appears as swollen ankles.

Muscles Will Suffer

Shapewear is no substitute for having strong muscles. It's important to develop muscle tone, because those muscles promote perfect posture, and help keep your back alignment. Many people use shapewear as a crutch to avoid using those muscles, but don't be fooled into thinking that shapewear works like a medical back brace. Shapewear is not therapeutically designed, it's cosmetically designed, and that's a big difference.

Can Create Infections

Shapewear traps moisture and anything else under it, which predisposes the wearer to both yeast and bacterial infections. The most common infection is folliculitis, since bacteria often gets trapped among hair follicles and causes red puss-filled bumps. Folliculitis can be easily treated with natural antibacterials, but if you use antibiotics, recurrent infections may develop antibiotic resistance, so they get harder and harder to treat. These risks are higher in overweight individuals, diabetics and those who sweat excessively.

Dangers Of Overuse

You must always be mindful to not wear these garments on a day-in and day-out basis. If you wear them for an evening out or a special occasion, that's enough, as it's not a good idea to wear it daily and sit in it for hours on end. If you're exhibiting any of the symptoms above, it is recommend to avoid shapewear until the issues are completely resolved.

Dangers Of Waist Training With Corsets

Think Spanx are uncomfortable? Not compared to this! While "Waist Training" may seem like a new trend, women have been wearing corsets for centuries. These overly constraining undergarments are to help contour the body, and give it a desired, hourglass appearance. Recently, the search for a slimmer waist has sparked a resurgence in the use of corsets to attain an unnatural shape. While celebrities like Kim Kardashian have posted their waist training selfies to reduce the size of their midsections, many see these constricting garments can be dangerous.

If you are unaware, this practice involves wearing a corset-like device for hours at a time to compress your midsection, which decreases the size of your waist when used over time. But you don’t have to be an M.D. to realize that this type of “training” can do real bodily harm. Believers say that the tightness of the garment makes you sweat a lot, but it’s not possible to perspire so much that you shave inches off her midsection in a permanent way.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

14# ways to get over a breakup

Breakups can be so hard, and they can be amicable; no matter what, no one really wants to go through them. The loss of your relationship can bring on intense heartache and stress. But if you're looking for some help getting through it and want some suggestions about how to make it a little easier, read on

Think through everything thoroughly, but not obsessively. Go ahead and mull it over, as many times as necessary, within reason. Consider all the reasons you two broke up. Even if it sometimes seems as if there wasn't a good reason, there certainly was one - and probably more than one. Understand that you enjoyed being together for a while, but if the relationship was not what both you and your partner wanted for life, it would have ended eventually, no matter what. In this case, better sooner than later. Thinking about the reasons why it ended can make it much clearer to you that it takes two people to start a relationship, but just one discordant person is enough to end it. It may also help you avoid many missteps in the future if you can identify areas where you contributed to the demise of the relationship.

Don't rethink your decision. If the breakup was your decision, keep in mind that only thinking about all the good times you had with your partner may cause you to forget the reasons why you broke it off. By the same token, try not to second-guess the situation if the decision to end things was not yours. It's very common to romanticize the good parts of the relationship, convincing yourself that maybe the bad parts weren't so bad after all, that maybe you could just live with them. Or that maybe if your ex would know just how you feel, he/she wouldn't want to break up after all. Don't play this game with yourself. Accept the situation and work on moving forward.

Keep your space. Even if you and your ex have decided to stay friends, break away completely from each other right after the breakup. This means not seeing each other, not being around his/her family members, no phone calls, no e-mails, no text messages, no Facebook, and no IMs - not necessarily as a permanent measure, but until you feel that you can converse with him/her on a purely platonic level, without an ulterior motive (and yes, wanting to get back together counts as an ulterior motive). If he/she tries to convince you to see him/her, ask yourself honestly what the point would be. If you're reliving the past by seeing him/her, it's not hard to get caught up in the moment and it will be harder to let go again. You may have to have some contact in order to deal with the practical aspects of things like moving out, signing papers, etc., but try to limit this to what's absolutely necessary, and then keep such calls/meetings short and civil.

Cope with the pain appropriately. It's okay to feel like you have messed up - accepting responsibility for your mistakes or shortcomings is healthy. On the other hand, you must also accept that you are a good person, and that you did your best and you're not the only one who made mistakes. Of course, a stage of denial is completely natural, but acceptance is the key to being able to start moving on.

Deal with the hate phase. This is when you want to just scream because your rage feels boundless. The amount of anger you feel depends on how antagonistic the split was, the circumstances, and how long it took to make the final break. You may resent your ex for wasting your time. You may realize that the breakup was inevitable (hindsight will reveal clues you failed to notice at the time). You may even feel a lot of anger towards yourself, but let go of that feeling fast! It's a waste of time and energy to rip yourself apart over something you no longer have the power to change. There are so many positive things you can do with your emotions and energy. Although it may feel good to replace your feelings of love towards your ex with hate, this can still lead to complications and mixed emotions of love and hate which are never a good thing.

Talk to your friends. You want people around you who love you and who will help you feel good about yourself. Surrounding yourself with compassionate, supportive friends and family will help you see yourself as a worthwhile person, and you'll find it easier to get steady on your feet again with your loved ones around you in a comforting net.

Write all your feelings down. Write in a journal or try writing poems. The most important thing is to be absolutely honest and don't edit yourself as you go. One of the best results of writing it all down is that sometimes you will be amazed by a sudden insight that comes to you as you are pouring it all out onto paper. Patterns may become clearer, and as your grieving begins to lessen, you will find it so much easier to understand valuable life lessons from the whole experience if you've been writing your way through it. No relationship is ever a failure if you manage to learn something about yourself. Just because it didn't work out doesn't mean it wasn't a necessary part of your journey to becoming who you're meant to be.

Make a list of reminders. One of the best tricks to help you stick to your resolve is to make a list of all the reasons your ex was not the one for you. Be ruthless and clear––this is not the time to be forgiving. What you're doing is creating a picture for yourself that will call up an emotional response when you feel tempted to think that "maybe if you just did this or that, it would work out..." Write down what happened and how it made you feel, being clear about the things you never want to feel again. When you find yourself missing your ex in a weak moment, and think you might actually be getting too close to the telephone, get out this list, read it over a couple times, and then talk to yourself, "This is the truth of what it was like. Why would I want to go back and torture myself again?" If you're caught in a low-self-esteem trap, thinking you don't deserve better, imagine this happening to a friend of yours, and think what you would say to your friend: "Get as far away as you can! That relationship was no good for you!"

Out with the old, in with the new. A breakup can signify a new beginning. Therefore, cleaning and organizing your personal space will leave you feeling refreshed and prepared for the new things to come. A mess can be overwhelming and depressing, and will just add to your stress level. The added bonus is that keeping busy with tidying your space doesn't require a lot of brain power, but does require just enough focus to keep you from recycling pain. Occupying yourself with such tasks designed to make your life better and easier will also occupy your mind enough to help you through the residual pain. Clean your room, get some new posters, clean up the icons on your PC desktop. As insignificant as cleaning up sounds, it'll make you feel better.

Remove memory triggers. There are all kinds of things that remind you of your ex––a song, a smell, a sound, a place. Once the grieving period has had some time to process, don't dwell on painful feelings or memories. There are probably things that are pushing your buttons without your conscious recognition. Try walking around each room in your house with a box and removing things that make your heart ache or your stomach turn. Really focus and look carefully. You may realize that the little blue bird-shaped box sitting on the mantel has become pretty invisible for the last couple years, but when you take a conscious look at it, you notice that every time you turn towards that corner of the room and it catches your eye, you feel a sharp little pain in your solar plexus. It can work wonders to clear your space of all these triggers. If you have a keepsake, such as a watch or piece of jewelry that was given to you by your ex, and it's a reminder of the good aspects of your relationship, there's nothing wrong with keeping such a thing, but for the time being, try putting it away for later, when you've given yourself some time and space. Put these reminders far away from you, such as in a box in a place you'll never go. Out of sight, out of mind.

Find happiness in other areas of your life. Whether that means spending time with your friends and family, signing up for that class you've always wanted to take, or reading every book on the New York Times bestseller list, remind yourself that a relationship is one part of life, but even when you are in one, there are personal pleasures that you can always enjoy on your own. Indulge in those things now. As they say, the best revenge is living well.

Stay active. Exercise improves your mood and alleviates depression, and the distraction will help keep your mind off your situation. Go running outside, visit (or join) the gym, or just go for a walk, maybe with a friend, and think of releasing the anger or sadness with every step. If you don't exercise regularly, here are some ways to motivate yourself to work out:
Do something small, right now. Going all the way to the gym, or getting decked out in your jogging gear, or doing whatever it is you feel you should be doing obviously seems like too much work. So just do ten push-ups or jumping jacks. Easy. And usually, it's just enough to get your heart rate going a little bit, and make you feel like a little more exercise wouldn't be so bad...
Get halfway there. If you want to go to the gym, but just don't feel like it, at least just drive yourself to gym, and tell yourself that if you still don't feel like working out, you'll go home. Odds are, though, once you're there, you won't feel like driving home. (But if you do, that's okay too. But you probably won't.) Then tell yourself you'll just walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes, even if your exercise routine involves much more. Just telling yourself to do one more thing, without having to commit to anything else, will make things much easier. And before long, your endorphins will take over.

Let go of the negative emotions. Understand that there is no benefit in holding on to heartache, regret, and hatred toward another person. Realize that although it is over, your relationship with that person was unique and special in a lot of ways. You can congratulate yourself for being brave enough to take a risk and fall in love, and encourage your heart that even though love didn't work out this time, there will be a next time.

Remind yourself of the negative things. Not necessarily all negative, but the "turn-offs" of that person. For example, the less attractive you find them, the quicker you'll get over them. Your mentality has to strictly be all bad characteristics about this person, without sounding hateful, or "hating" on this person. (Ex. his/her hair always had a funny smell to it, he/she never brushed his teeth, he/she never bought anything for my birthday, he/she had the ugliest smile I've ever seen, he/she had the most annoying laugh, ETC).
Hope this  article will go all the way in helping you forget your loved one after a breakup.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

All you need to know about Sobolo(Bissap)/hibiscus tea

Bissap or better still sobolo,a beverage brewed in the ghanaian pot is competing with international acclaimed soft drinks.
  The drink is doing well on the market even without any advertisement.
Sobolo has certainly come to add to other locally brewed drinks such as pito,asana,tose,and palmwine.
The hibiscus flower,a major raw material for the preparation comes in handy and relatively affordable as it sells at GH cedis 50 pesewas per margarine at the Tema community one market .Below are some few benefits of sobolo.                                  
Nutrition & Health Benefits Of Drinking Hibiscus Tea/sobolo
Hibiscus tea is a boon for individuals suffering from heart diseases as well as those troubled by circulatory problems.
The tea is rich in vitamin C that helps to fight cold and other infections, by strengthening immune system of the body.
Hibiscus tea is known to bring down high blood pressure, while improving blood circulation. It even helps reduce stress levels.
It contains some wonderful antioxidants required by the body, like citric acid and ascorbic acid, that aid in protecting body cells.
The tea protects the body against bacterial attack and also increases defense mechanisms against infections. It is both antimicrobial and anti-carcinogenic in nature.
Hibiscus tea works marvelously in reducing weight, as it contains an enzyme inhibitor that blocks the production of amylase. Amylase breaks complex sugars and starches in the body and reduces the absorption of carbohydrates.
The intake of hibiscus tea, on a regular basis, helps to prevent constipation and bladder infection.
Hibiscus tea should be strictly avoided by people with low blood pressure, as it is known to lower blood pressure.
The tea might affect your concentration; hence, it should not be consumed when attention is required, like while driving or during other jobs that need alertness of mind.
People with low estrogen levels should avoid taking hibiscus tea.
Since the side effects of hibiscus tea in case of babies are unclear, it is recommended to avoid its intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
People on medication like anti-cancer drugs should avoid taking this tea, as it can adversely affect the treatment.
Hibiscus tea is also known to affect the way some anti-inflammatory diseases are treated by the body naturally.
Thanks for reading

Saturday, 11 April 2015

The reasons why every female needs to take in folic acid supplements daily

What is folic acid?

Folic (FOH-lik) acid is a B vitamin. It helps the body make healthy new cells. "Folic acid" and "folate" mean the same thing. Folic acid is a manmade form of folate. Folate is found naturally in some foods. Most women do not get all the folic acid they need through food alone.

Who needs folic acid?

All people need folic acid. But folic acid is very important for women who are able to get pregnant. When a woman has enough folic acid in her body before and during pregnancy, it can prevent major birth defects, including:
Spina bifida (SPEYE-nuh BIF-ih-duh), which occurs when an unborn baby’s spinal column does not close to protect the spinal cord. As a result, the nerves that control leg movements and other functions do not work. Children with spina bifida often have lifelong disabilities. They may also need many surgeries.
Anencephaly (an-en-SEF-uh-lee), which is when most or all of the brain does not develop. Babies with this problem die before or shortly after birth.
The results of some studies suggest that folic acid might also help to prevent other types of birth defects.

Folic acid also helps keep your blood healthy. Not getting enough can cause anaemia.
Experts think that folic acid might also play a role in:
Heart health
Preventing cell changes that may lead to cancer
More research is needed to know this for certain.

How much folic acid do women need?

Women able to get pregnant need 400 to 800 mcg or micrograms of folic acid every day, even if they are not planning to get pregnant. (This is the same as 0.4 to 0.8 mg or milligrams.) That way, if they do become pregnant, their babies will be less likely to have birth defects. Talk with your doctor about how much folic acid you need if:
You are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant. Pregnant women need 400 to 800 mcg of folic acid in the very early stages of pregnancy often before they know that they are pregnant. A pregnant woman should keep taking folic acid throughout pregnancy. Women should discuss their folic acid needs with their doctors. Some doctors prescribe prenatal vitamins that contain higher amounts of folic acid.
You are breastfeeding. Breastfeeding women need 500 mcg. Some doctors suggest that breastfeeding women keep taking their prenatal vitamins to be sure they are getting plenty of folic acid while they are breastfeeding and should they become pregnant again.
You had a baby with a birth defect of the brain or spine and want to get pregnant again. Your doctor may give you a prescription for 4,000 mcg of folic acid. That is 10 times the normal dose. Taking this high dose of folic acid can lower the risk of having another baby with these birth defects.
You have a family member with spina bifida. Your doctor may give you a prescription for 4,000 mcg folic acid.
You have spina bifida and want to get pregnant.
Some people also need more folic acid. Talk to your doctor about how much folic acid you need if you:
Are taking medicines used to treat:
Type 2 diabetes
Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, asthma, and inflammatory bowel disease
Have kidney disease and are on dialysis.
Have liver disease.
Have sickle cell disease.
Have celiac disease.
Often consume more than one alcoholic drink a day.

I don't plan on getting pregnant right now, and I am using birth control. Do I still need folic acid?

Yes! Birth defects of the brain and spine happen in the very early stages of pregnancy, often before a woman knows she is pregnant. By the time she finds out she is pregnant, it might be too late to prevent those birth defects. For these reasons, all women who are able to get pregnant need 400 to 800 mcg of folic acid every day.

How can I be sure I get enough folic acid each day?

Women can get enough folic acid by taking a vitamin pill every day. If you have a hard time swallowing pills, you might try a chewable or liquid product that has folic acid. Most U.S. multivitamins have at least 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid. Check the label on the bottle to be sure. Or you can take a pill that only contains folic acid. When choosing a brand of vitamins, look for "USP" or "NSF" on the label. These "seals of approval" mean that the pills have been made properly and contain the amounts of vitamins stated on the label. Also, make sure the pills have not expired. If the bottle does not have an expiration date, do not buy it. Ask your pharmacist for help selecting a product. Please note, if you already are taking a daily prenatal vitamin, you probably are getting all the folic acid you need. Check the label to be sure.
Vitamin label
Check the Supplement Facts label to be sure you are getting 400 to 800 mcg folic acid.

What foods contain folic acid?

Folic acid is found naturally in some foods, including leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, beans (legumes), and whole grains. Folic acid is added to foods that are labeled "enriched," such as:
Breakfast cereals (Some have 100 percent of the Daily Value of folic acid in each serving)
White rice
Food label
Check the label on the package to see if the food has folic acid. The label will tell you how much folic acid is in each serving. Sometimes, the label will say "folate" instead of folic acid.

Can I get enough folic acid through food alone?

The body does not use the natural form of folic acid (folate) as easily as the manmade form. We cannot be sure that eating foods that contain folate would have the same benefits as consuming folic acid. Also, even if you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, you might not get all the nutrients you need every day from food alone. In the United States, most women who eat foods enriched with folic acid are still not getting all that they need. That’s why it’s important to take a vitamin with folic acid every da

Take your folic acid at the same time every day, such as when you brush your teeth, eat breakfast, or give your children their daily vitamins. This way, taking folic acid becomes a routine. If you can, set up your cellphone or computer to give you a daily reminder

You can't get too much folic acid from foods that naturally contain it. But unless your doctor tells you otherwise, do not consume more than 1,000 mcg of folic acid a day. Consuming too much folic acid can hide signs that a person is lacking vitamin B12, which can cause nerve damage. Lacking vitamin B12 is rare among women of childbearing age. Plus, most prenatal vitamins also contain B12 to help women get all that they need. People at risk of not having enough vitamin B12 are mainly people 50 years and older and people who etat no animal products.

Older adults need 400 mcg of folic acid every day for good health. But older adults need to be sure they also are getting enough vitamin B12. Too much folic acid can hide signs that a person is lacking vitamin B12. People older than 50 are at increased risk of not having enough vitamin B12.

Reasons why you should not drink a glass of cold water after meals

Do you ever want to drink a glass of cold water after a meal? Watch what happens when you put cold water in a pot after you have been frying something in it. Yes, the same thing happens in your insides as well.

Cold water hardens food’s fatty parts in your stomach. So, if you drink cold water after a meal, the food you’ve just eaten will be digested more slowly and with more difficulty than usual. When hardened fat binds with digestive acid, it is easily dissolved and quickly absorbed into the intestines. This way, fats are hindering the intestine’s work and other organs’ work as well. This contributes to the occurrence of different diseases and health conditions, including cancer.

This is why you should eat warm soup, or drink a glass of lukewarm water, or a hot cup of tea.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

10 tips to help you have a good night sleep

he older you get, the less you tend to sleep. Many older people assume sleeping isn’t as important as when they were younger. However, that’s a misconception. It’s still very important to get a good night’s sleep, no matter how old you are. According to research, older people generally needs 6 hours of sleep.

Here are some tips to help you prepare for bed:

1. Don’t eat immediately before you sleep

Sleep deactivates the body. At least, it slows it down significantly. Eating right before you go to sleep would require harder work on your stomach to digest the food. This extra burden may stop your body from getting a proper rest, thus affecting your health and quality of sleep.

2. Try to avoid conversations immediately before you sleep

I say this because conversations can trigger a heated discussion, which will then make you excited. Sometimes, it may even be a long, in depth, life changing experience of great passion and inspiration. This is all brilliant, but doesn’t exactly help you sleep. When our minds are excited, or stimulated, it’s much harder to sleep. Also, once you’re in that state, it can take a while just to calm down.

3. Don’t overwork your Mind before going to sleep

Try and finish up your studies or work earlier in the night, rather than leaving it right before bedtime. Instead, try and do some light activities to relax your brain and help you get into sleep mode. If you’ve overworked yourself too much, you may find that it’s hard to sleep, especially if you’re laying awake, thinking about the problems. If this goes on for a long time, it may even lead to insomnia.

4. Don’t fly into a full blow rage before going to sleep

Yes, you heard me. Raging isn’t a good thing, particularly before bedtime. Sleeping is at its best when your nerves are calm and at peace. When your emotions stir up in anger, you nerves are probably rushing all over the place, making it impossible to sleep. If anything you read may upset you, try not to read them before going to bed. If arguments may occur, try and avoid talking.

5. Avoid drinking anything with caffeine

This includes tea, coffee and some soft drinks.

Don’t drink strong tea, coffee. Caffeine is very likely to stimulate the mind and make it hard for people to sleep. Try and have them in the morning rather than afternoon or night.

6. Don’t go to sleep with your mouth Open

If you open your mouth while you’re sleeping, virus and bacteria in the air or dust may find their sneaky little ways inside and cause your lungs or stomach to become infected. This may cause illnesses if you’re not careful.

7. Don’t cover your head while you’re sleeping

Sometimes, older people like to cover their heads, perhaps because of the cold air. This may not be a great idea because you’ll probably breathe in more carbon dioxide than oxygen and that’s not a very good thing.

8. Don’t sleep on your back

The best sleeping posture is lying on your ride side. This way, your bones and muscles are in their natural, relaxed position and will make it easier to sleep. Doing this will also help your body relax and loosen up. Lying on the back on the other hand, may cause your bones and muscles to be tense. For some reason, it has been observed that lying on the back with your hands on your chest can cause nightmares and affect your sleeping quality.

9. Avoid a direct light going into your eyes while you’re sleeping

Even when you close your eyes, you can sometimes still feel the light. Usually, your body releases melatonin while in the darkness, and having a light will do the opposite, which may cause restlessness and insomnia. It’s also very easy to wake up when there’s a light.

10. Try not to have wind blowing directly towards you

It’s wonderful to keep your room circulated with air, but try and have it blow all directions rather than directly on your body. That’s because when you’re sleeping, your body finds it harder to adapt to its environment. Exposing yourself to cold wind and air can make it easier for you to get a stiff shoulder.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

13# unexpected benefits of exercises

Many people hit the gym or pound the pavement to improve cardiovascular health, build muscle, and of course, get a rockin’ bod, but working out has above-the-neck benefits, too. For the past decade or so, scientists have pondered how exercising can boost brain function. Regardless of age or fitness level (yup, this includes everyone from mall-walkers to marathoners), studies show that making time for exercise provides some serious mental benefits. Get inspired to exercise by reading up on these unexpected ways that working out can benefit mental health, relationships, and lead to a healthier and happier life overall.

1. Reduce stress
Rough day at the office? Take a walk or head to the gym for a quick workout. One of the most common mental benefits of exercise is stress relief. Working up a sweat can help manage physical and mental stress. Exercise also increases concentrations of norepinephrine, a chemical that can moderate the brain’s response to stress. So go ahead and get sweaty — working out can reduce stress and boost the body’s ability to deal with existing mental tension. Win-win!

2. Boost happy chemicals
Slogging through a few miles on the ‘mill can be tough, but it’s worth the effort! Exercise releases endorphins, which create feelings of happiness and euphoria. Studies have shown that exercise can even alleviate symptoms among the clinically depressed  . For this reason, docs recommend that people suffering from depression or anxiety (or those who are just feeling blue) pencil in plenty of gym time. In some cases, exercise can be just as effective as antidepressant pills in treating depression. Don’t worry if you’re not exactly the gym rat type — getting a happy buzz from working out for just 30 minutes a few times a week can instantly boost overall mood.

3. Improve self-confidence
Hop on the treadmill to look (and more importantly, feel) like a million bucks. On a very basic level, physical fitness can boost self-esteem and improve positive self-image. Regardless of weight, size, gender, or age, exercise can quickly elevate a person's perception of his or her attractiveness, that is, self-worth   . How’s that for feeling the (self) love?

4. Enjoy the great outdoors.
For an extra boost of self-love, take that workout outside. Exercising in the great outdoors can increase self-esteem even more  . Find an outdoor workout that fits your style, whether it’s rock-climbing, hiking, renting a canoe, or just taking a jog in the park. Plus, all that Vitamin D acquired from soaking up the sun (while wearing sunscreen, of course!) can lessen the likelihood of experiencing depressive symptoms. Why book a spa day when a little fresh air and sunshine (and exercise) can work wonders for self-confidence and happiness?

5. Prevent cognitive decline
It’s unpleasant, but it’s true — as we get older, our brains get a little... hazy. As aging and degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s kill off brain cells, the noggin actually shrinks, losing many important brain functions in the process. While exercise and a healthy diet can’t “cure” Alzheimer’s, they can help shore up the brain against cognitive decline that begins after age 45  . Working out, especially between age 25 and 45, boosts the chemicals in the brain that support and prevent degeneration of the hippocampus, an important part of the brain for memory and learning.

6. Alleviate anxiety
Quick Q&A: Which is better at relieving anxiety — a warm bubble bath or a 20-minute jog? You might be surprised at the answer. The warm and fuzzy chemicals that are released during and after exercise can help people with anxiety disorders calm down. Hopping on the track or treadmill for some moderate-to-high intensity aerobic exercise (intervals, anyone?) can reduce anxiety sensitivity   . And we thought intervals were just a good way to burn calories!

7. Boost brainpower
Those buff lab rats might be smarter than we think. Various studies on mice and men have shown that cardiovascular exercise can create new brain cells (aka neurogenesis) and improve overall brain performance   . Ready to apply for a Nobel Prize? Studies suggest that a tough workout increases levels of a brain-derived protein (known as BDNF) in the body, believed to help with decision making, higher thinking, and learning. Smarty (spandex) pants, indeed.

8. Sharpen memory
Get ready to win big at Go Fish. Regular physical activity boosts memory and ability to learn new things. Getting sweaty increases production of cells in hippocampus responsible for memory and learning  . For this reason, research has linked children’s brain development with level of physical fitness (take that, recess haters!). But exercise-based brainpower isn’t just for kids. Even if it’s not as fun as a game of Red Rover, working out can boost memory among grown-ups, too. A study showed that running sprints improved vocabulary retention among healthy adults  .

9. Help control addiction
The brain releases dopamine, the “reward chemical” in response to any form of pleasure, be that exercise, sex, drugs, alcohol, or food. Unfortunately, some people become addicted to dopamine and dependent on the substances that produce it, like drugs or alcohol (and more rarely, food and sex). On the bright side, exercise can help in addiction recovery  . Short exercise sessions can also effectively distract drug or alcohol addicts, making them de-prioritize cravings (at least in the short term)   . Working out when on the wagon has other benefits, too. Alcohol abuse disrupts many body processes, including circadian rhythms. As a result, alcoholics find they can’t fall asleep (or stay asleep) without drinking. Exercise can help reboot the body clock, helping people hit the hay at the right time.

10. Increase relaxation
Ever hit the hay after a long run or weight session at the gym? For some, a moderate workout can be the equivalent of a sleeping pill, even for people with insomnia  . Moving around five to six hours before bedtime raises the body’s core temperature. When the body temp drops back to normal a few hours later, it signals the body that it’s time to sleep  .

11. Get more done
Feeling uninspired in the cubicle? The solution might be just a short walk or jog away. Research shows that workers who take time for exercise on a regular basis are more productive and have more energy than their more sedentary peers  . While busy schedules can make it tough to squeeze in a gym session in the middle of the day, some experts believe that midday is the ideal time for a workout due to the body’s circadian rhythms.

12. Tap into creativity
Most people end a tough workout with a hot shower, but maybe we should be breaking out the colored pencils instead. A heart-pumping gym session can boost creativity for up to two hours afterwards  . Supercharge post-workout inspiration by exercising outdoors and interacting with nature (see benefit #4)  . Next time you need a burst of creative thinking, hit the trails for a long walk or run to refresh the body and the brain at the same time.

13. Inspire others
Whether it’s a pick-up game of soccer, a group class at the gym, or just a run with a friend, exercise rarely happens in a bubble. And that’s good news for all of us. Studies show that most people perform better on aerobic tests when paired up with a workout buddy  . Pin it to inspiration or good old-fashioned competition, nobody wants to let the other person down. In fact, being part of a team is so powerful that it can actually raise athletes’ tolerances for pain  . Even fitness beginners can inspire each other to push harder during a sweat session, so find a workout buddy and get moving!

Working out can have positive effects far beyond the gym (and beach season). Gaining self-confidence, getting out of a funk, and even thinking smarter are some of the motivations to take time for exercise on a regular basis.

Friday, 3 April 2015

Human Normal Flora

It may or may not surprise you to find out that your body is host to billions of bacteria of many different kinds. These bacteria exist in many different parts of the body, and their presence usually doues not cause any problems for the host body. The following is a list of the main sites for bacteria that consitute the normal flora.

The skin, especially the moist areas, such as the groin and between the toes.
The respiratory tract, particularly the nose.
Urinary tract.
The digestive tract, i.e. the mouth, the terminal ileum and the colon.
The normal flora of the digestive tract

The stomach contains few bacteria because of its high acidity. Still there are some bacteria that survive there. Perhaps the most important of these is a bacterium whose human interaction was discovered in the 1980's, Helicobacter Pylori, now proven to be the cause of most (greater than 95%) cases of gastritis and peptic ulcers.

The small intestine usually contains small numbers of Streptococci, Lactobacilli, and yeasts, particularly Candida Albicans. Larger numbers of these bacteria are found in the terminal ileum, the section of the small intestine just before the colon.

The large intestine, or colon, is the main site for bacteria in the body. Roughly twenty percent of the faeces of a normal person consists of bacteria, most of which have come from the colon. The main bacteria in the colon are Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Eubacterium, Coliforms (e.g. E. coli), Streptococcus, Lactobacillus and Clostridium.

There are many different types of relationship that the body can have with the normal flora. These are

Mutualism. In a mutualist relationship, both the host and the microbe benefit from the relationship. A good example if this is E.Coli. These organisms live in the intestines, where they receive nourishment, and in turn produce Vitamin K, which the human body requires for the process of blood clotting.
Commensalism. A commensalist relationship is where one partner of the relationship benefits, and the other partner is neither benefitted nor harmed.
Parasitism. A parasitic relationship is where one organism benefits at the expense of the host. The cost to the host can vary from slight to fatal. An external parasite (ectoparasite) is said to cause infestation, an internal parasite (endoparasite) is said to cause infection.
Pathogenic. A pathogenic relationship is where an organism causes damage to the host during infection. An Opportunistic Pathogen causes disease in a host that is physically impaired or debilitated. Normally the opportunist organism is harmless, but it takes advantage when the hosts defences are impaired, for example when the normal flora have been destroyed by antibiotics, or when the immune system has been suppressed by drug treatment or by other illnesses.
The relationships between the human host and most normal flora usually fall under the the category of Mutualist relationships. The benefit to the bacteria is that they have a place to survive and multiply. The benefits to the human host are as follows

The hosts ability to nourish itself is increased. The bacteria may produce vitamins (such as B and K), and may break down food stuffs that are normally indigestible by the host into components that can be digested.
The host is protected against infection by pathogenic organisms. This happens in several ways.
The normal flora pre-occupy the favorable ecological niches for bacteria, e.g. the intestinal villi, thus presenting the invading pathogen with the problem of finding somewhere to anchor itself.
The normal flora may out-compete the invader for available nutrients, thus starving the invader and preventing it from multiplying.
Some members of the normal flora produce anti-bacterial chemicals (bacteriocins) as a side product of their metabolism, thus generating a local antibiotic effect which hinders the invader.
Are the normal flora always beneficial?

The answer to this question is: definitely not! If they remain in the site with which they are usually associated, the normal flora are usually beneficial. However, some members of the normal flora are also opportunistic pathogens, or are pathogenic if they turn up at a site with which they are not normally associated. For example, Bacteroides bacteria, which normally reside in the intestines, may produce abscesses if they penetrate into deeper tissues via traumatic or surgical wounds. E. coli, a normal inhabitant of the gastrointestinal tract, is the most common cause of urinary tract infections.

Why do the normal flora not induce an immune response from the host?

The short answer to this question is: the normal flora do induce an immune response. Antibodies to the normal flora exist in our bodies, but at lower concentrations than would exist for pathogenic bacteria. They provide a "sparring partner" for the human body that keeps the immune system in tune. The precise role that the human immune system takes in regulating the populations of the normal flora is not known.

Alcohol 's effect on the body

Drinking too much – on a single occasion or over time – can take a serious toll on your health.  Here’s how alcohol can affect your body:

Alcohol interferes with the brain’s communication pathways, and can affect the way the brain looks and works. These disruptions can change mood and behavior, and make it harder to think clearly and move with coordination.

Drinking a lot over a long time or too much on a single occasion can damage the heart, causing problems including:

Cardiomyopathy – Stretching and drooping of heart muscle
Arrhythmias – Irregular heart beat
High blood pressure
Research also shows that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol may protect healthy adults from developing coronary heart disease.

Heavy drinking takes a toll on the liver, and can lead to a variety of problems and liver inflammations including:

Steatosis, or fatty liver
Alcoholic hepatitis
Alcohol causes the pancreas to produce toxic substances that can eventually lead to pancreatitis, a dangerous inflammation and swelling of the blood vessels in the pancreas that prevents proper digestion.

Drinking too much alcohol can increase your risk of developing certain cancers, including cancers of the:

Immune System:
Drinking too much can weaken your immune system, making your body a much easier target for disease.  Chronic drinkers are more liable to contract diseases like pneumonia and tuberculosis than people who do not drink too much.  Drinking a lot on a single occasion slows your body’s ability to ward off infections – even up to 24 hours after getting drunk.                             Stay away from Alcohol.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Knowing your temperaments

This article is about the "four humors" in Greco-Roman medicine, a specific form of the more universal proto-medical concept of humorism.
Choleric, melancholic, sanguine, and phlegmatic temperaments
Four temperaments is a proto-psychological theory that suggests that there are four fundamental personality types, sanguine (optimistic leader-like), choleric (bad-tempered or irritable), melancholic (analytical and quiet), and phlegmatic (relaxed and peaceful). Most formulations include the possibility of mixtures of the types.

The Greek physician Hippocrates (c. 460 – c. 370 BC) incorporated the four temperaments into his medical theories as part of the ancient medical concept of humorism, that four bodily fluids affect human personality traits and behaviors. Later discoveries in biochemistry have led modern medicine science to reject the theory of the four temperaments, although some personality type systems of varying scientific acceptance continue to use four or more categories of a similar nature.

The four temperament type

Each of the four types of humors corresponded in ancient times to a different personality type. These were associated with a domination of various biological functions. Lievegoed suggested that the temperaments come to clearest manifestation in childhood, between approximately 6 and 14 years of age, after which they become subordinate (though still influential) factors in personality.

The sanguine temperament is traditionally associated with air. People with this temperament tend to be lively, sociable, carefree, talkative, and pleasure-seeking. They may be warm-hearted and optimistic. They can make new friends easily, be imaginative and artistic, and often have many ideas.They can be flighty and changeable; thus sanguine personalities may struggle with following tasks all the way through and be chronically late or forgetful.

Pedagogically, they can be best reached through awakening their love for a subject and admiration of people.

The choleric temperament is traditionally associated with fire. People with this temperament tend to be egocentric and extroverted. They may be excitable, impulsive, and restless, with reserves of aggression, energy, and/or passion, and try to instill that in others. [

They tend to be task-oriented people and are focused on getting a job done efficiently; their motto is usually "do it now." They can be ambitious, strong-willed and like to be in charge. They can show leadership, are good at planning, and are often practical and solution-oriented.They appreciate receiving respect and esteem for their work.

Pedagogically, they can be best reached through mutual respect and appropriate challenges that recognize their capacities.

Main article: Melancholia
The melancholic temperament is traditionally associated with the element of earth. People with this temperament may appear serious, introverted, cautious or even suspicious. They can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world and are susceptible to depression and moodiness. They may be focused and conscientious. They often prefer to do things themselves, both to meet their own standards and because they are not inherently sociable.

Pedagogically, they can be best met by awakening their sympathy for others and the suffering of the world.


Phlegmatic by Lespagnandelle, part of the Grande Commande, Palace of Versailles.
The phlegmatic temperament is traditionally associated with water. People with this temperament may be inward and private, thoughtful, reasonable, calm, patient, caring, and tolerant. They tend to have a rich inner life, seek a quiet, peaceful atmosphere, and be content with themselves. They tend to be steadfast, consistent in their habits, and thus steady and faithful friends.

Pedagogically, their interest is often awakened by experiencing others' interest in a subject.

People of this temperament may appear somewhat ponderous or clumsy. Their speech tends to be slow or appear hesitant.

Hope you've been able to detect your personality type.

A healthy lifestyle

Staying strong and healthy is not as difficult as people think it is.It is as easy as ABC.A healthy lifestyle lengthens your lifespan.Here are some guidelines:
Step 1
Eat 6-11 servings a day of breads or grains, like rice, pasta,  or cereal.
Eat 3-5 servings a day of vegetables, like carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, broccoli, or peas.
Eat 2-4 servings a day of fruits, like apples, peaches, mangos, bananas, or fruit juice.
Eat 2-3 servings a day of meat, fish, beans, eggs or nuts, for protein.
Eat 2-3 servings a day of dairy products like yogurt, cheese, or milk.
Cut down on alcohol, fatty foods such as butter, grease, or oil, and “junk food” like chips or candy.

Step 2: Stay physically active.
Regular physical activity helps people:

live longer and feel better throughout their lives
be stronger and more flexible
build strong bones and fight osteoporosis
prevent depression
strengthens your ability to fight off illness
maintain a healthy body weight
It is best to get at least one half hour of exercise three times a week, but any amount of exercise is better than none at all! If you do not want to go jogging or swimming, try going for a brisk walk with a friend, working vigorously in the yard, or riding your bike to work.

Step 3: A healthy mind is part of a healthy body.
When you are in a good state of mind, you make good decisions for yourself about your job, your lifestyle, and your health. Here are some things you can do to keep your mind healthy:
Step 4
Reduce stress

Make time in your life for things that are fun. Make a list of activities you like and sure you have at least a little time each day for doing something you enjoy.

Step 5:Get enough sleep. Most poeple get too little sleep. Being sleepy reduces your concentration, increases mood swings, and causes many car accidents. Health

Get help if you feel depressed or anxious for more than several days at a time. Talk with a friend or your health care provider for some help.                    
Step 6: Keep your mind and body free of harmful drugs and alcohol.
Tobacco causes more health problems than any other drug and is the most addictive, most widely used. Cutting down or stopping the use of cigarettes, cigars, or chewing tobacco can save your health and save your money.

Too much alcohol is definitely dangerous, causing liver damage, fetal alcohol syndrome, and accidents.

Street drugs like marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, or pain pills not prescribed for you are dangerous to your health. Street drugs can be diluted with substances that are harmful for you. People often put themselves in dangerous situations to get street drugs. If you are using street drugs and would like to stop but are having difficulty, talk to your health care provider.
Step 7: Get regular health care.
Many people think they only need to see a doctor when they are sick or injured. The truth is, health care providers are also experts at preventing illnesses and finding and treating problems before you ever feel sick.

Know what diseases you are at risk for and attend regular screenings for them.

Get yourself and the children in your family immunized against life-threatening illnesses.

Image is everything

Image is the impression you creat; the mental picture or idea that is formed about you based on your actions and inactions.An image of mediocrity and failure repels.Positioning is about creating the right kind of image in the mind of people.  The genesis of creating a good image about yourself is the way you see yourself. Yourself image influences the image others have about you.People will treat you the same way you treat yourself.You are the sole determinant of the image people carry about you in their minds.                                                                 It is said that our external appearance,clothes,and grooming determine 95% of the first impression people have of us.When you take care of your image,your career or business will take care of itself. But remember,you must continually ensure that the image you portray tallies with who you really are.